Author names with an underscore are advised students or postdocs.
Manuscripts under Review
Wang, Y., & Lei, J. Wave Attenuation in a Partially Vegetated Flume.
Liang, X., Wang, Y., & Lei, J. The Evolution of Hydrodynamic Intensities and Sediment Erosion along Submerged Aquatic Vegetation.
Sreeranga, S., & Lei, J. Evaluating Portable Breakwater for Mangrove Sapling Protection: An Experimental Study Using Live Mangroves.
Huang et al. Globally Widespread Increase in Riparian Vegetation Coverage Associated with Altered Flow Regimes.
Refereed Publications (2016 - present)
Xu, Z., & Lei, J. (2024). Wave decay by submerged rigid vegetation under orthogonal wave-current conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110408.
Sun, H., You, Y., & Lei, J. (2024). Deflection and drag on flexible marine structures in steady currents and internal solitary waves. Physics of Fluids, 36(10).
Huang, S., Xia, J., Wang, Y., Wang, G., She, D., & Lei, J. (2024). Pollution loads in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River by coupling water quality models with machine learning. Water Research, 122191.
Gong, S., Xu, S., Yin, K., Chen, Y., Chen, J., & Lei, J. (2024). Experimental study on wave attenuation and cross-shore profiles by submerged flexible vegetation. Ocean Engineering, 307, 118218.
Huang, S., Xia, J., Wang, Y., Lei, J., & Wang, G. (2024). Water quality prediction based on sparse dataset using enhanced machine learning. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 100402.
Huang, S., Xia, J., Wang, G., & Lei, J. (2023). The impact of flood regime on river floodplain vegetation coverage: insights from a 30-year Landsat record. Journal of Hydrology, volume 626, part B, 2023.
Lei, J., Schaefer, R., Colarusso, P., Novak, A., Simpson, J. C., Masqué, P., & Nepf, H. (2023). Spatial heterogeneity in sediment and carbon accretion rates within a seagrass meadow correlated with the hydrodynamic intensity. Science of The Total Environment, 158685.
Liu, C., Yan, C., Sun, S., Lei, J., Nepf, H., & Shan, Y. (2022). Velocity, turbulence and sediment deposition in a channel partially filled with a Phragmites australis canopy. Water Resources Research, e2022WR032381.
Zhu, L, Huguenard, K, Fredriksson, DW, Lei, J (2022) Wave attenuation by flexible vegetation (and suspended kelp) with blade motion: Analytical solutions. Advances in Water Resources, p.104148.
Lei J, Nepf H (2021) Evolution of flow velocity from the leading edge of 2-D and 3-D submerged canopies. J. Fluid Mech. 916, A36.
Lei J, Fan D, Angera A, Liu Y, Nepf H (2021) Drag force and reconfiguration of cultivated Saccharina latissima in current. Aquac. Eng. 94,102169.
Zhu L, Lei J, Huguenard K, Fredriksson DW (2021) Wave attenuation by suspended canopies with cultivated kelp (Saccharina latissima). Coast. Eng. 168, 103947.
Zhang J, Lei J, Huai W, Nepf H (2020) Turbulence and particle deposition under steady flow along a submerged seagrass meadow. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 125, e2019JC015985.
Lei J, Nepf H (2019) Wave damping by flexible vegetation: Connecting individual blade dynamics to the meadow scale. Coast. Eng. 147, 138–48.
Lei J, Nepf H (2019) Blade dynamics in combined waves and current. J. Fluids Struct. 87, 137–49.
Liu C, Shan Y, Lei J, Nepf H (2019) Floating treatment islands in series along a channel: The impact of island spacing on the velocity field and estimated mass removal. Adv. Water Resour. 129, 222–31.
Tang C, Lei J, Nepf HM (2019) Impact of vegetation-generated turbulence on the critical, near-bed, wave-velocity for sediment resuspension. Water Resourc. Res. 55, 5904–17.
Hu Z, Lei J, Liu C, Nepf H (2018) Wake structure and sediment deposition behind models of submerged vegetation with and without flexible leaves. Adv. Water Resour. 118, 28–38.
Liu C, Hu Z, Lei J, Nepf H (2018) Vortex structure and sediment deposition in the wake behind a finite patch of model submerged vegetation. J. Hydraul. Eng. 144, 04017065.
Lei J, Nepf H (2016) Impact of current speed on mass flux to a model flexible seagrass blade. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 121, 4763–76.